This is where you can find me rambling on and on... and on
Some posts will also go in updates

Scroll to post: 1, 2, 3

3.)EDIT: you can now find my blog has moved in full to BLOGGER nope! its on FC2 now

2.) Aug 26, 2019
Wowzerz!! This site is changing a lot! Current work will be towards my about me and my shrine! :)
ALSO!! I'm back on FriendProject (myspace clone)! (continued from updates)
It also seems ive been.. called for jury duty.. But its 110 miles away! AND I dont have a car OR a license... I wrote a letter asking to be excused for those reasons.. so lets hope it works out..

1.) Aug 25, 2019
Hey guys!! I just made the site yesterday! It's still under construction, but I hope you all like it when it's complete!!!!